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CFG Experts Panel - Contracts And Negotiations for Freelancers

  • 26 Sep 2024
  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Online


  • CFG Members in Good Standing
  • Open to members of the general public
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  • Crew and support staff
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  • Members of the Canadian Farm Writers Federation and Affiliates
  • CMG - CBC staff and freelancers
  • CWA Canada Associate Program Members
  • Members of the Federation of BC Writers
  • Members of the Pacific Media Workers Guild including the Freelance Guild
  • Members of the Society of American Travel Writers - Canada
  • Sunshine Coast Writers and Editors Society
  • Members of the Travel Media Association of Canada
  • The News Guild and CWA members
  • Members of the Writers Federation of New Brunswick
  • Members of the Writers Federation of Nova Scotia

7 pm Thursday,  September 26, 2024

You'll want to catch this session.

Join panelists and long-time freelancers Paul McLaughlin and Don Genova with moderator George Butters to talk about trends in recent contracts for media freelancers, the new twists AI has added to the already difficult topic, and how you can get what you want from negotiations...or know when to walk away.

Ask your questions about this important part of a successful freelance career to a trio with more than 100 years experience in everything from handshakes and email agreements, to multi-chapter paper dumps.

*CFG Events Rewards Valid for This Session*

Best regards,

The CFG Events Team


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