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Getting The Most Out of LinkedIn Learning

  • 20 Jan 2022
  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Online
  • 161


  • Promotional Offer for CBC Freelancers at the Canadian Media Guild.
  • This nominal fee will help fund future workshops and webinars aimed at your professional development.
  • This nominal fee will help fund future workshops and webinars aimed at your professional development.
  • Promotional Offer for our friends at the Society of American Travel Writers (Canada)

Getting The Most Out of LinkedIn Learning

(Part of the CFG's 'Business of Freelancing' Series)

LinkedIn Learning is one of the most valuable benefits you receive as a member of the Canadian Freelance Guild. (Non-members may be able to access through your local library or purchase independently) The resource contains thousands of training videos to help you learn skills across many disciplines. To buy it for yourself would cost $342 a year. 

You'll get a basic introduction to the learning platform,  our presenter will talk about his experience, what he liked and what he'd change. Then he'll take us through snippets of courses that he thinks are of value to freelancers and do some live searches on topics that participants ask about.

Our Presenter:

Michael Strickland, CFG founding member, is a writer/editor, strategic storyteller, and story coach. He began his career as a print and TV journalist. Today, he freelances stories that capture his interest while at the same time helping others share their strategic stories.

Online: Thursday, January 20th

7pm-8pm Eastern Time

$5 for members

$15 for non-members (SATW and CMG Freelance members please check with your organizations for discount codes)

This session is structured with lots of room for questions, and your chances of getting them answered are increased if you send them to CFG Organizer Don Genova  in advance. If you don't yet have a LinkedIn Learning account and would like to get one, please email Don. (If you had one last year it will have lapsed, you still need to get in touch with Don to renew.)

Please feel free to share this invitation with non-member friends and colleagues. 

The link to the Zoom webinar will be sent to you  the day of the presentation. Please check your spam or junk folders if you can't find the email, and contact organizer@canadianfreelanceguild.ca if you haven't received the link 30 minutes before the scheduled start time. 

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