Suggest a Webinar

Newest Webinars:

We produce The Business of Freelancing series of webinars, meetings and workshops for our members and non-members alike.

While we finalize our fall and winter schedule for this year, here’s your chance to view for the first time or a refresher and FREE OF CHARGE to all members in good standing, and members of our partner organizations*, such as the CMG’s Freelance Branch and the Society of American Travel Writers Canadian Branch.

We’ll release additional re-runs in the next few weeks.

If you’re a member of one of our partner organizations with a discount, use our form to apply for your discount.

If you’d like to pitch a webinar, workshop or meeting, then use our form to submit your idea.

* RELATED ORGANIZATIONS: If you belong to an organization operating in the Canadian media environment, use this form to get our attention. We’d love to find out how we can work together for everyone’s benefit.